Products catagory

Balitaza Green Shop Seminyak is the home of anyone who wants to live healthy. From our heritage recipes, we make and packed the products carefully one by one to maintain customer satisfaction. In general we devided our products into two catagories, gourmet and bodycare.


Tegal alang Coffee bali

Tegal Alang is closed to Ubud and also well known for its coffee.

It really tastes a traditional bali coffee.its made from highly selected pure traditonal coffee beans,particularly roasted and blended to produce an exellent in every cup.
      Serving direction : the procedure to make one is just the same as making brewed coffee;put 1 tablespoon for every 1 cup of hot water,stir and leave for about 5 minutes.strain & drink.serve with palm sugar,milk or creamer or soymilk or coconut milk.